Welcome to Auto-Installer Deluxe 4.50, the most complete and flexible installer there. i have a 40 gig WD ide but i can't even get it to work with that at all it either doesn't seem to recognize it or the file refuses to boot right.so help? i would really apprecaite it i have really been working at it but i feel like i hit a brick wall if you could provide answers links resources with explantion that would be great so i can either purchase or just figure out what i am doing wrong here. Xecuter2 4981.06 Xecuter2 4981.06 Stealth + Ejectfix Xecuter2 4981.67 Xecuter2 4981.67 Stealth + Ejectfix Xecuter2 4983.06 Xecuter2 4983.67 Xecuter2 5032. every time i try nothing works i can't either get chimp to boot in which is says (can't find default.exe file) or somethign to that (this is after i switch ide from dvd to hdd before app boot) or if i do it after the boot of chimp it still seems to think the samsung dvd drive is plugged in so yah no dice.

Also changed the dash boot sequence as follows: 1. Apologies for this - was a dumb ass typo. It looked for msxboxdash.xbe instead of xboxdash.xbe - so if booting to a drive with no hacked dash you would get an error 13. i got myself a ide to sata conversion and i have a 80 wire 40 pin ide cable. Xecuter2 Bios 4981 Xecuter2 Bios 4981 X2 4980 had a lame bug. my xbox on the unleash skin says its a v 1.1 which i understand is good.(maybe) but as i was saying all forums an youtube videos i watch are only small pieces to the puzzle as i know for hard mods there are many differnt mod chips to choose from and or there is using chimp to swap to a larger drive which has to be able to be locked.

Now as i have reached the time to use chimp or hardmod step i have watched videos read forums and i can't make heads or tales of it. Hi i have looked around the internet different forums alot of google and youtube landed my self a cord game ect and managed to softmod the system well i want to take it further i want to upgrade to a larger drive 500 gigs+ emulators ect.